Thursday, April 23, 2020

What, Me Worry?

Jake at the dog park, under a bench. Would not look at me.

Watercolor sketch done yesterday so I could journal my anger and fears

And again
So. Long week full of sorrow. I watched 60 Minutes last Sunday night, and the overhead sight of the mass graves did me in.

I live in a Republican state, surrounded by conservatives that vote a straight Republican ticket. In particular, I know a lot of people that believe every single word that comes out of President Trump is the gospel, it is truth, it is something you can base your life upon. When I tried to explain how the graves affected me, the response was "why was that on television? Why did they show that? YOU are being manipulated." I said it was shown because it is the truth. And walked away from that conversation.

My walls are up. I am building my walls brick by brick, every day in every way. After that exchange, I had to journal. These two pages just poured out of me in 30 minutes flat.

Covid-19 is not political. The news coverage of this pandemic is not designed to demolish Donald J Trump. The Democratic party did not start this to win an election. It's a disease, and it will kill hundreds of thousands more in the coming months. My thinking, now, is this: as the southern states open, go golfing. Go bowling, go get your nails done. Live in Nevada? Go to a casino if you can find one open. Get that gambling addiction fed. Get a hair cut. Go to church. Shake hands with the other Trump supporters who believe that "this is no worse than the flu". Go for it.

And if you do all of that, will you be here to vote in November?

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