Sunday, November 16, 2014

This and That

My boy Jake 2012

Gracie, 2012

Gracie, 2012
It is overcast and cold, with snow moving in. I really need and want to get the dogs out this afternoon, but it is already a giant pain in the ass to dress in layers for this weather. Isn't it odd that a woman who still has hot flashes can freeze when the temperatures are in the high 20's or low 30's? My younger friends find this amusing. I told them to wait, their day will come. And then I cackled.

I am in the mood to create today, so planning on spending most of the day in the studio room. All of this hinges on the dogs allowing this. As we all know, the pets rule. We, as humans, think we are in control. Yeah, right. We are in control of the money and the car. What happens within the confines of the home is dictated by the dogs. Gracie will "talk" to me when I am spending too much time away from my primary duty: petting and pampering her. She'll start off with a low, soft sound that eventually builds into a guttural accusation that her world is tilted. I have begun to talk back to her, imitating her sounds. The looks I get when I do this are priceless.

Yes, I am crazy. Why do you ask?

I've been gathering quotes to use on canvases off of Pinterest. Love Pinterest. But then again, I love the internet. We were made for each other. Some of the recent quotes I am favoring:

You can't help getting older, but you don't have to get old. Unknown

I like you because your in on my weirdness. Unknown

I never lose....either I win or I learn. Unknown and a personal favorite. This is how I view life.

Will try to remember to take photos as I work today, so I can post a canvas in process. No guarantees on that. Once you start to roll, the outside world gets blocked.

It be's that way sometimes. Joe Druzbicki (a friend who passed in 2000)

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