This is the corner of my front sidewalk and driveway. Shortly after I bought this house, I turned up a quarter circle for flowers. Plants have grown and died, so this area has changed significantly in the past 4 seasons. 2 years ago, my neighbor gave me a bunch of lamb's ear that she had pulled up and laid it down on this very corner. I never planted it here. I put the plants in the ground on the south side of the house.
There are no lamb's ear plants growing on the south side of the house. There are big, healthy plants on this corner and in my backyard in a grouping of decorative grasses. Say what? The seeds for lamb's ear must be air born, or birds drop them, or gee, I don't know what is going on but this stuff can take off like wildfire. Everywhere except WHERE I WANTED IT!
Mother Nature has a sense of humor, now, doesn't she?
There are no lamb's ear plants growing on the south side of the house. There are big, healthy plants on this corner and in my backyard in a grouping of decorative grasses. Say what? The seeds for lamb's ear must be air born, or birds drop them, or gee, I don't know what is going on but this stuff can take off like wildfire. Everywhere except WHERE I WANTED IT!
Mother Nature has a sense of humor, now, doesn't she?
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