Have you hugged your dog today? You should. Cathy and I have been making albums, as donations, for a woman who sells candy in jars that she places in local stores. She asks for a donation of 40 cents per candy bar, or 3 for a $1.00. All of the proceeds go into her non-profit organization called Heart. The money is used to help dogs in shelters that have been abused, shot, run over by a car, beaten, starved, chained, etc, etc, etc. The albums we've been making have photographs of dogs now ready for adoption, or those already adopted, that she has helped. A great many of the dogs were tested positive for heart worm. But there are those with legs in casts, recovering from bullet wounds, and it breaks my heart to see these, to read what horrid abuse was done to these animals.
So I hug my dogs, and tell them how very, very lucky they are to have me as their mom. There is no abuse in this house. I do raise my voice, I do training every day. And lots of petting, soothing words, "good dog" praise. I just can't imagine beating an animal, any animal. What could possibly go on in the brains of these morons that do? I don't know, and will never understand them. Never.
I look at my beautiful Aussie, and my wiry little guy, Jake, and think what great joy they have brought me. And it does my heart good to know they love me in return.
Hug your dog.
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