Friday, November 6, 2020

Taking a deep breath for the first time this week

 All of the above kept me busy this past week. After cleaning, and walking the dogs at the dog park, I have been hitting the art journal. Not devoting hours to it, just in and out of the studio at odd times of the day. And taking an afternoon nap. I think it's my body's way of protecting itself. Anyone else?

I think what is most disturbing about this election is that 47% of Americans still will not condemn this man. Still think that hatred, bigotry, and pathological lying is acceptable. Still want to turn their backs on the foundations of this nation. Still are so uneducated, so blissfully ignorant of the truth, they will continue to drink the Kool-Aide until they die. 

If you are on Facebook, please follow Heather Richardson Cox. She is a writer that analyzes the current situation. Her research is impeccable, and if you want logic, this is your woman. I tried to find her outside of Facebook for friends who will not use that platform, but was unable to locate a blog or column. If you do, please leave a comment. My Facebook feed now is limited to very few folks who voted for trump. I am of an age that I won't tolerate open racism and hypocrisy any longer. That is necessary living in a very red state. But I am also encouraged by the number of Nasty Women who joined the Indiana group for this election. We are already talking about the 2022 election to get rid of Todd Young, the Senator who stood with trump on every single issue. Not once did he put the state or country first. Party line all the way. A lot can change in the next 2 years. Here's hoping he is one of those changes. 

Take care in the next few months. This is not going to be an easy transition. But I am encouraged that steps are already being taken behind the scenes. Baby steps, my friends. Linda


  1. Replies
    1. I read Heather every single day. Helps with perspective. She is an amazing historian and writer. Thanks!!!
