Monday, January 14, 2019

Working with dogs

The unspoken request for a leg rub. Because I am trying to sketch.

I call this photo matching vultures on the hassock.

This was at about 4 inches of snow on Saturday

Mom? I have wet and very cold paws. We had to cover them with a blankie.
The dogs and I have been together in this house since late Friday. I am grateful I have to work today. You have no idea how grateful. I GET TO GO OUT!

I did get a lot done with my forced seclusion. The 100 Day Project starts next Sunday, January 20th. I completed the first 8 tags yesterday and feel good about what I've done.

This morning, on Facebook, an ad flew by for the Ivy Newport website. This is an artist that has a ton of classes, her own as well as other artists, and today starts  a sale. Damn it. I purchased a class. Now it has become difficult to keep track of all of our classes, so Cathy came up with the idea of using a mini Rolodex. We can fill out a card with the name of the class, the website, and the user ID and password. Isn't that clever? So last night I ordered 2 mini Rolodexes from Amazon. They will be here tomorrow, and we are going to gather all the bits and pieces of our classes and write every single thing down. Or at least I will. I am betting money that Cathy's Rolodex will still be in the box in the garage in a month.......

Tracie: I have thrown down the gauntlet on organization. Your move...

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