Saturday, December 30, 2017

New Tags

From the Roben-Marie class on building a tag

Same class

Gel print adhered, then enhanced with Neocolor II's

Square tag with a piece of brown deli paper and paint

Close up. Love that texture

First affirmation tag of 2018

Second affirmation tag of 2018

Third affirmation tag of 2018
I can't seem to stop. It is so easy to rummage through gel prints, pieces of scrap paper and what not to adhere to the tag base. A great way to occupy me while the dogs are snuggling in for the night, and the tv is on.

Just these few tags have taught me some valuable lessons: I can and should stop buying supplies and use what I have on hand. It is enough! Don't always look at the entire piece, because sometimes cutting or tearing it up is going to give you what you want and will love. You can add anything to make the project more complete. In the above, I added collage pieces of old dictionary pages that had been glued to a piece of cardstock. Cutting circles out gave me exactly what I wanted. Stamps add so much texture, depth, completeness to a piece of art. I am using my stamps more and more of late. And, as always, the trusty black pen for doodles. The larger black letters are from a sheet of 7 Gypsies tissue paper.

Not sure if I will make a mini album of the 2018 tags, or just add them to my journal. So for now they will sit in the studio until I do at least 10 more. But damn, this is fun!

Happy New Year.

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