Friday, July 15, 2011


We are watering. Watering grass, plants, trees, and the dogs if they would stand still for it. Rain is needed badly in central Indiana. The ground is hard, and the grass is already turning brown. And here we go again. Last year the drought started around the 4th of July. I hope this isn't a repeat.

The dogs and I went for a long walk this morning early, while it was still cool. Evidently a herd of deer or coyotes came through the park last night, because my two dogs wanted to stop and sniff the foliage every 2 feet. I really don't mind, it gives them stimulation and pleasure, so we walk, stop, walk, stop. I do get in a pretty good walk on one of the trails. The stopping mainly happens at the beginning of our walks.

I am in the process of training the dogs, yet again. For Gracie this is all refresher course, but for Jake I can only assume it is the first time. This requires a lot of patience, something I am not always good with, but trying my best. I want to strengthen the bond with them, and this is the best way to do it. Jake and I are taking a "manners" class, but I am also reading a few books on training. One of those books uses the clicker method, which I have not done, but the information she gives about dogs in general is valuable. The author states that if one method doesn't work with your dog, try something different. Change the reward, get another person involved, be inventive. I like that attitude. And it is exactly what I am doing now.

Have yourselves a great weekend. Enjoy the summer. All too soon we'll be back to cold weather.

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