Wednesday, June 8, 2011

On being a dog mom

Jake does not like my camera. I imagine it looks imposing, this big, black thingy pointing at him. Who knows? Perhaps someone terrorized the little guy with a gun, and he associates the camera with that memory. So to get any decent pics of Jake, I have to be sneaky.

Gracie, on the other hand, has had her photo taken since she was 5 weeks old. She is so used to it by now, I swear she will actually primp up, knowing she wants to look her best for the blog. But she is an Aussie. And female. Need I say more?

The dogs get along great about 95% of the time. Sometimes we play too rough. Sometimes we get a little too aggravated with our sibling. And sometimes we forget who was here first. Gracie no longer rules as the Diva Princess of Avon. There is a lot more give and take on her part. I think once Jake learns some more manners, it will all even out. But whatever problems I have encountered are nothing compared to the sheer joy I see on the two dog faces as they play.

I wouldn't give Jake up for anything. We love him a lot.

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