Sunday, February 13, 2011

Warm and Sunny Sunday

Hosta blooms from my garden at the house in Marshall IL

Holly Hock bloom from Marshall garden 2008

Gracie, June 2009 the day after surgery

It pains me to look at these pics
In the process of searching for more flower photos to brighten up my day, I found the few shots I took of Gracie in my backyard, the day after her surgery. When she was 6 months old, I had her spayed and all of her dew claws removed. The front dew claws grew quite fast and I was constantly being scratched, unintentionally, by them. They were long and sharp. Both hind leg dew claws were deformed, and I was afraid she would catch them on something and rip them off. One had a double claw and it kind of dangled, begging to be torn.

A tech at the vets had wrapped her legs in the elastic bandages (orange in photo), and told me not to remove them for 48 hours. I did wait until the 2nd day, then realized I couldn't get a scissor, knife, or my finger under the bandage to loosen or remove it. Plus, my dog's paw was swollen. I called them at 8a.m., frantic, and they told me to bring her right in. I felt like the worse dog mom in existence. How did I not see that the bandage was too tight? But when they tell you she has to be crated so she won't pull out her stitches, and can only come out to go outside, and the dog won't hardly eat, and she looks at you with those puppy eyes, well, you get the idea. My heart was already laden with guilt. How could I do this to my baby?

They checked her circulation in her legs after removing the bandages, and gave me an extra 3 days of pain meds for her. That eased my mind somewhat. By the end of the first week, she was pretty much back to being my little brat, but the collar had to stay on for the full 2 weeks, until the stitches were removed. As a result of all of this, Gracie shakes every single time we go to the vets. Lots of hugs and kisses on those days.

Dog moms will totally understand this post. Have a good one.

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