Monday, January 31, 2011

Dreary Mondays

Another overcast, slightly grey Monday. I can tolerate just about anything if it comes with sunshine. This is true of a lot of people, I'm sure. Let the temperatures fall to 10 above, but if the sun is shining brightly, we can handle it. This winter has been cold, grey, and full of ice and snow. We're not done.

Sorry for the out of focus shot of Gracie, but I just had to put one on the blog with that tongue hanging out. This is so typical of how my girl looks in the warmer months.

We're hunkered down with plenty of food in the house, two small bundles of firewood in case the heat goes out in this storm, and lots of books and scrapbooking to keep us busy. How about a warm thought to leave you with:

"A single rose can be my garden.....a single friend, my world." Leo Buscaglia
Enjoy your day.

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