Thursday, December 9, 2010

More Snow?

Licking the snow on the deck
Gosh golly gee whiz! (No, I have not turned into Sarah Palin. Please!) I hate cold weather. The first snow was pretty, but that's it. I'm ready for green. The latest forecast states that the heavy snow is staying to the north. That's fine with me. It can stay in Canada for all I care...

It is entirely possible that we may get out for a walk today. The temperatures are going to be slightly more moderate, so I may attempt putting the harnesses and leashes on the dogs and heading out. I miss our daily walks. A lot. The great thing about walking in our park is you get to know people. Your dogs will visit with their dogs, or if they are dogless (gasp!), they will stop and pet Gracie. Sarge stands off to the side, looking elegant. Someone has to do it. Gracie is my con artist: she looks pathetic, standing on her hind legs, trying to make the individual think that she is abused/neglected/hungry. No one falls for it. Everyone has seen through her little scam.

On another note, I'm sugared out already. We had a cookie exchange with the group from our pool classes yesterday. The luncheon was great, conversation lively and a good time was had by all. But the desserts and cookies! I ate too much. I have another cookie exchange this Sunday, with the dog park people. People only, dogs have to stay at home. I will bake for this, but doubt I'll take any cookies. Really, really missing the daily walks, folks.

Have a good one. Stay warm and safe.

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