Saturday, December 19, 2020

And it's still gloomy....bah, humbug!

Patreon lesson with markers, no paint

Watercolors on girl, acrylic paint in background, washi tape for her top

The lesson was to create a background heavy with texture. Yep. Did that.

The idea was to keep going until she wasn't butt ugly, only weird.

Layers of paint, gesso, markers, and pencils

My one and only Christmas journal entry. Tim Holtz Christmas paper on the tree

Made a scrappy journal from file folders cut in half. The front cover is old art work that I copied on the printer.

Inside of front cover, also old art work

Inside of back cover. Ditto

Back cover. New art work copied.

 Back to being all over the place with the journals. There is more than the above, pages that are in various stages of starting. We just returned from the dog park, and it's starting to rain. A good day to work in the art studio.

Stay safe. Stay sane. The dogs and my hobbies keep me relatively normal. What occurred to me last night was this isolation is becoming permanent. Or at least for another year. Scary thoughts. I miss socializing with friends. I miss eating in a restaurant and going to the movies. 

There is hope. We have a new President. There is hope. Linda