Monday, October 8, 2018

And we're back.....

Pink is more than a color, it's an attitude. Oh, yeah.


12x12 gel plate print with added stenciling, collage

Did a little creative sewing with the machine on this

Do No Harm (But take no shit)
This should not be a shock to anyone, but I am a registered Democrat. Consequently I received a postcard in the mail a few weeks back, inviting me to attend a Meet and Greet with some of the Democratic candidates for federal, state, and local offices.  The event was yesterday at 4p.m. I have never done this before, but so needed a pick-me-up. A kick in the butt. After Kavanaugh, and now trump saying protesting should be illegal (what the living hell???), I wanted positive speech. Yeah, boy, did we all hear it!

Over 200 people turned out, and some of my Democratic friends didn't even know about it. There was no negative bashing, not one person spoke the name of the current president or vice president. They did address anger, empathy, compassion, and working for the people, all of the people. They did speak to the opiod crisis, taxes, and immigration. And they all, every single candidate, received thunderous applause.

There is hope in this country. There are people willing to fight on all levels to return to sanity, to caring, to helping their fellow citizens.  Vote. Vote. Vote.

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