Thursday, August 20, 2015


 This has been a long, convoluted week. My brain is fried, and I hate that feeling. I needed to be reminded that a) I was once skinny, and b)life does indeed go on.

The first photo is me, my husband, Ken, and my youngest stepson, David. This was taken February 28, 1981 at our wedding. David was 17. My stepdaughter, Tammie would have been 18, and the oldest, Ken, would have also been 18. His birthday is the end of March, when he turned 19. Imagine being 33 years old, never married, and marrying a man with 3 teenagers, 10 months apart in age.

Why yes, I am crazy. Why do you ask?

The center photo is from May of 1969. I think. I am sure of the month, not the year. My friend, Sandy was married and I was one of three bridesmaids for the ceremony. Fun fact: I didn't like the groom, didn't like him when we all went to high school together, and sadly I was right. They have been divorced for many years. My parents didn't attend the wedding reception because my dad was recuperating from his first heart attack. So when I arrived at home afterwards, he insisted on taking that photo of me. I hated the dress. Looks like I'm pregnant. Wonder how I got my hair not to be all curly? Hmmm.

If I look drunk in my wedding photos, it's because I was on valium. One must do something to get through a wedding when it is your own. I so did NOT want the big party. But he did, so I gave in. Just give me my valium, and away we went. Haven't had that drug in decades. Sounds good right about now.

Have a great weekend. I will. I am going to Wizard World Comic Con to look at Nathan Fillion. Oh, yeah. A really fine weekend.

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