Sunday, December 4, 2011

Well, Dang it all!

Never assume. It's an old saying and I'm sure you have heard it before. Assuming makes an ass out of you and me. It happens to be true.

I did a craft show yesterday with my friend, Judy. As we were setting up, no, let me back up. All week long actually, fighting this cold and fever, I felt like this show was going to be a waste of time. Now part of that was just plain not feeling well. But another segment of my brain was saying, "the economy sucks, no one is going to spend their hard earned dollars on handmade cards, or Judys' aprons and knitting."

Guess again. We both kept our prices low because we both wanted to not pack up what we had brought into the building. Yes, we still took product home, but not nearly as much as what we started the day with. It was a marvelous feeling. People actually liked my cards and mini albums. The two cards pictured above were experiments. On the Christmas card, this stamping was the first time I had used this particular stamp. Sometimes you need to use them more than once to get a complete, clear image. Especially with the clear cling type stamps, which this is from Papertrey. But when you are not feeling real energetic, you (meaning me) will usually say the hell with it, put the card in the basket and leave it. The second card was my attempt to "piece" scraps of paper into an owl. I was thinking this would make a great class after the first of the year. I thought it was cute, and that I was on the right track, but wasn't blown away by this design.

Both cards sold immediately.

So the moral of this little story is, one never knows, does one? We keep hearing how bad the economy is, and my personal experience in grocery shopping and paying the utilities coincides with that depressing news. On the other hand, I think that everyone is ready for a tiny piece of sunshine. If that is handmade, all the better.. ....we weren't the only ones selling our wares yesterday.

Life is good. Enjoy it.

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