Friday, October 7, 2011

Cold Season

Washington Park on Lake Michigan, Michigan City, IN

Bird on the beach

THIS is Dega

The kids in the backyard
Sorry I have not posted all week. It's been a very long week indeed.

Last weekend I went north to spend Saturday shopping and taking photographs with my friend, Pat. The remainder of the weekend was spent babysitting my two great-granddaughters so my granddaughter and her boyfriend could have a break. Terra, my granddaughter, and Gianna, the baby, both had colds. Guess what Grandma came home with? Yeah. Brought back a lot of memories from the year I took care of Terra when she was a baby. Babies get sick, give it to you, they get over it in a few days, and the adult is down for a week minimum. Just not fair, is it?

So not a lot was accomplished this past week. Just felt rotten. On Thursday night, my friend Melissa dropped off Dega, the Wheaton Terrier above. He is staying with us until Monday morning while mom is on vacation.

My two dogs are used to having me to themselves. Dega is not used to having other dogs around. It has been interesting. Dega and Gracie have always had a "thing" for each other. They play, they run, Dega will get Gracie to the ground and sit on her, and on and on. Jake, on the other hand, views Dega as a threat to his male existence, his dominance in the household. So Jake has been barking.....a lot. He is also the youngest of the three, and the smallest. I have to keep an eye on things to make sure no one gets hurt, that the play doesn't get too rambunctious. But there is a silver lining in that cloud: they are wearing each other out. The naps are long and hard.

A tired dog is a good dog. You gotta love it.

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