Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Folly Beach

Under the dock in the banner picture

This was early in the morning

Little guy looking for breakfast

I think I may have mentioned once or a hundred times that the May vacation to the Charleston SC area was one of my favorites. I had loaded the photos I had taken that week to the Mac, played with them just a bit, and promptly moved on to something else. Probably walking the dogs, feeding the dogs, letting the dogs out and in, buying dog treats, or picking up dog poop in the yard. You get the idea. Life does have a tendency to go on, and you lose track of what you were going to do.

So today I took a second look at some of the beach pictures. I loved staying right on the beach. Loved it. We slept with the sliding patio door open all night. We were on the 8th floor of the hotel, and our thinking was if someone could scale the exterior wall to get to our balcony, have at it. The white noise of the ocean every night was so soothing, along with the clean, crisp air. Perhaps that is why this vacation ranks so high on my list. We were out all day, every day, but at night it was so relaxing to return to the beach.

Hanging in the hotel lobby were photos taken by a professional of the dock, from the beach. I wanted to duplicate that, so the day before we left, I took my camera down and took several shots like the ones posted here. Of course mine don't compare to what they had, but I captured the flavor I was looking for, and my memory can still fill the gaps.

Someday I will return to this area. And once again I hope to stay at the beach, listening to the waves roll in late at night. Have a great day.

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