Thursday, April 21, 2011

Ahhh, Spring

Hosta blooms


Holly Hocks

It was cold and damp yesterday, but no more rain. Thank you very much. Our area received well over 5 inches of rain in the previous 48 hours. We are now dealing with the aftermath of flooding rivers and streams.

I've been wanting to go into the archives of old floral photos on my laptop and post a few. Unfortunately, for whatever reason I don't seem to understand, I could not get to the net from the laptop. Then later yesterday, I was unable to get any email to either computer because the password I had was no longer valid.

Don't you just love it when technology turns around and bites you in the ass? Yeah. One of MY favorite things. So this morning I spent 35 minutes on the phone with a very nice gentleman in some third world country, trying to get the problem fixed. He was good. I am now up and running again. No explanation, no reason for the password suddenly being dead in the water. Sigh. And here is the rub: I am not completely illiterate when it comes to computers. I've had one since the days of the old Commodore 64. I understand how the wireless router works, and how to change information necessary for the net to recognize my little corner of the universe. But shit just happens.

So hopefully, this will take care of whatever gremlins invaded Avon, Indiana, and banish them.....until the next time.

Back to the flowers. The above photos are from my garden at the old house in Marshall, Illinois. I chatted online with my former neighbor, Lisa, a few weeks back. She says she misses working our joined yards together, and the flower beds we shared are now overgrown with weeds. It's sad. Lisa and I spent many, many hours improving the yards. The original owner of the house had used railroad ties as garden edging. One memorable weekend, the two of us yanked them out of the ground. Lisa couldn't walk right for days.....

She does miss me.

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