Saturday, March 12, 2011

Misc Saturday

I had to go out on the deck this morning to get little Missy to stop barking at 6am. It's Saturday, I told her. The neighbors are sleeping on a Saturday morning. She doesn't care. And then I noticed a new sound - the song birds are back! In full force. I love the sounds of the birds in the early morning. It signals 6 months of decent weather. Of heat, and sun, green grass and flowers. Love it.

We are going sheep herding today. I get to see all of the lambs that have been born this spring. Leah isn't sure how many there are at this point, she thinks 20. They range in age from a week to a month. The last time we were at the farm, I held a week old cutie for an hour. They had named her Dot, and she snuggled into the arms of whoever was holding her. Unlike puppies, lambs are born ready to rock and roll. Their eyes are open, everything is developed. Beautiful animals.

And then you go online and look at the horrifying images from Japan. My heart goes out to the people of that nation. But I also know that the Japanese are extraordinary in their resolve and strength, and they will survive and rebuild. You have to wonder what the hell is going on with old Mother Earth. Scary, scary thoughts.

Be safe.

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