Thursday, March 24, 2011


Gracie, being Gracie

Note the chain and lock
Within hours after first searching for Sarge on March 16th, then reporting the disappearance to Animal Control in Danville, IN., I stopped at Lowe's. There was a young man working the department that sells chains and locks, and he was very helpful. There are two gates into the yard, one on each side. This gate is the one that was open when I realized Sarge was gone. Both gates now have heavy duty chain and this type of lock. It would be easier to dismantle the fence than it would be to cut through this chain or the shank of the lock.

Yeah, it was like locking the barn door after the horse/cow/pig was out, but it never occurred to me that someone would either a)open the gate as a prank, or b)try to steal my dogs.

We went to the dog park yesterday afternoon before the storm rolled in. As in any gathering, people exchange gossip and information. The break-ins in this area have drastically increased. We live in scary times, hard economic times. I understand that. What I don't understand is trying to steal a part of someone's family. That still just blows my mind.

Hug your dogs today.

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