Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Misc Tuesday

Good one, Gracie!

Here. You have something in your fur....

Did you drop a treat? I smell treats.
Doing a lot of miscellaneous stuff today, so we're making this another Misc. Tuesday. Working on a Christmas scrapbook for a friend, distressing some ribbon for the store, and doing laundry. The sun is out bright, but it is winter. Only 38 degrees. We did walk this morning, and Sarge about yanked my arm off pulling on his leash. He wanted those squirrels. There were 3 squirrels sitting on the side of a hill, eating nuts in the sunlight. Sarge wanted to get up close and personal to those guys.

Picked up a special edition of the Rolling Stone yesterday when I made my very (yeah, right) last trip to the grocery store. This is a review of the Best 100 Beatle songs. Some interesting reading, with insights into how some of the songs came to be written and recorded. Also bought a special reissue of a LIFE magazine edition of John Lennon. It will be 30 years in December that John was assassinated. I remember that day vividly. It felt like someone had shot my youth out from under my feet, that a chunk of my life had been destroyed. Ken and I had just, as in the week prior to this event, become engaged, and I was in the middle of planning our wedding for the following February. It is still hard to believe that John Lennon's life ended so tragically.

Still going through cookie recipes for the two cookie exchanges. I love biscotti, and have never tried to make it. I'm thinking this would be a good time to try one of the many biscotti recipes I've come across. Thanks for stopping by, and have a good day.

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