Monday, September 21, 2015


Dog Park
A few things this morning. I am in a slightly ranting mood.

First, did you see that Kim Davis, the Kentucky freak who has been married three times and refuses to issue marriage licenses to gay couples has pulled a new trick? This was in the Indianapolis Star yesterday. It seems that marriage licenses were issued in her absence (she was in jail for five days) by her subordinates. And licenses are currently being issued now that old Kim has returned to the job of county clerk. BUT! And this, my friends, is huge. Her name, as the county clerk, is no longer on the license. No signature. Instead, they are stamping it with something along the line of, "by order of the Federal court...". The Governor of Kentucky has stated that it is totally legal, and he sees no problems whatsoever. This legality is being challenged, so they are all going back to court.

Quit your job, Kim. I know! Apply for Donald Trump's campaign. I bet you would really like the Donald.

Second, Donald Trump? Is this country on the brink of insanity? Every time he opens his mouth, something foul falls out of it. Yeah, I soooo want a hate monger running the country. I sincerely hope that everyone who is planning on voting, and that should be every single person 18 and over, will read what this man stands for. If you can ever find out exactly what positive movement he has in mind.

Third. Is there a secret society somewhere that decides what roads will be closed to annoy me? Like most people, I have a limit to the number of ways I can leave my neighborhood. And the powers that be keep closing, opening, closing, and repairing, repaving, expanding those avenues. All. Summer. Long. Winter is just around the corner, and there appears not to be an end in sight. This is getting serious. They are going to cut down to one lane the highway we take to the dog park. People! My dogs are not dumb. They KNOW when I am within a quarter mile of their park. Put me in a slow moving lane where Jake can see the turn off, and the howling will commence. Not a good time.

Sigh. I'm done. Have a good one.

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