Saturday, October 29, 2011

Oscar the Aussie

Dustin with Oscar and the sheep.

He is kind of walking here.

Oscar is a rescue from Kentucky. Dustin and his wife have had him about a year and a half. He's a great dog, full of boundless energy, with beautiful blue eyes. A full blood Australian Shepherd, Oscar weighs around 55 pounds, but is on a diet. His fur is super thick, and this dog is a powerhouse when it comes to running.

Because of very busy lives, Dustin doesn't always get to bring Oscar up to the farm for herding lessons. So when Oscar does get in the pen, it is chaos. I love to stand at the fence and watch this Aussie work because he does exactly the same things that Gracie did several months back.....or last week. We think Aussie's like to stir up the herd just for the fun of putting them all back together again. Aussies are very good at amusing themselves.

But of all the dogs that I have watched at herding, this one has the most energy. It is endless. You can't work Oscar too hard, nor can you wear him out. Leah and I can always tell when Gracie is ready to call it a day because she will slow down and do what we want, head hanging low, looking pathetic. Not Oscar. He would run around that pen chasing the sheep until they drop, not him. The same holds true for the dog park: Oscar will chase the ball until Dustin gives it up. And like Gracie, Oscar is a barker. I guess that is another Aussie trait.

Oscar and Gracie tolerate one another. Gracie does not really get along with any other Aussie, including her sister, Bailey. The Diva Princess of Avon wants to be number one. Sigh.

Have a great day. We are going sheep herding.

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