Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Charleston SC

Private Courtyard

In a church cemetery. I can only guess how old this tree is.

I loved visiting Charleston, SC. I want to go back. There was a great deal that we didn't see or do. Part of the reason was we were dead tired every night. Another reason was we had allowed 4 days for Charleston, and it just wasn't enough time.

The nick name for this city is The Holy City. The churches are beautiful, scattered all over the historic district. As our carriage tour guide pointed out, when Charleston was built the land was all swamp. The pioneers in this area literally filled in the swamp and marshland to build. Land lots are not large, houses very close together. And the churches were incorporated right into the neighborhoods.

During our tour of Boone Hall Plantation, we were told that it takes 100 years for a live oak tree to reach good height. It requires another 100 years to arch over a road, forming a canopy overhead. The entrance to Boone Hall has the famous, much filmed canopy of live oaks leading to the house. This is a live oak tree I photographed in the cemetery above. It has to be at least 100 years old.

Some day I will return to Charleston. Some day.

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