Thursday, September 2, 2010

Random Thoughts

Gracie, after the sheep herding

Sarge, on the deck

Red Hibiscus

Red Hibiscus in the front yard
It is overcast and windy today. We have a chance of rain. I honestly can't remember the last time we had rain, or the last time I had to mow grass. I'm ready to do a rain dance here, folks.

The hibiscus that I have alongside the driveway had stopped blooming for weeks, even though I was watering them faithfully. The intense heat of July and August probably was the cause. I have two plants, and the other plant is a brilliant pink. It has not bloomed again, but does have some buds. I love the color and size of these flowers, but wish the blooms lasted longer than 24 hours.

The photos of the babies were taken yesterday in the backyard, after the sheepherding. Gracie was tired, resting in the shade. Sarge was glad to be home. He is such a good looking dog, who prances when he walks. I think that is his purpose, to be beautiful and bring a smile to the humans around him.

Enjoy your day.

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